As Mexico legalizes all drugs you know that they will be instantly throughout Mexico and of course the Mexican Government will tax them and corrupt politicians will end up getting the concessions for each town?.Well, that is how things work in Mexico so no sense in arguing over that truth. Now then if drugs are illegal in the United States and legal in Mexico what then; simple a new type of tourist; Drug Tourists.But all drug dealers know that it is important to get your victims hooked and make them an addict so you can get all their money right? Sure that is how these street scum drug dealers do it right? Well it will be the same thing only legal in Mexico and since all drugs will be legal like Opium, Heroine, Cocaine, Meth, etc they will try to get the customers to try it all and get them hooked right? Sure they will, what do they care about a bunch of Americans, as they already disrespect our laws. We have caught Mexican Police and Military on our sides of the border escorting drug dealers thru Indian land for god's sake.Can you even imagine the problems this is going to have on places like San Antonio, Houston, El Paso, Phoenix, Tucson, San Diego and all the border cities and towns along the way? My gosh this is going to be a huge problem in coming years with more Americans on drugs, rehab costs and enforcement issues? This is just terrible really.
Consider all this in 2006.
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By: Lance Winslow